Jee Hyun Kim

Dr Jee Hyun Kim graduated from the University of New South Wales with the University Medal in Psychology. In 2008 she completed her PhD on memory retrieval, forgetting, inhibition and erasure using rodent models, and was awarded the Australian Psychological Society Award for Excellent PhD Thesis in Psychology. After a postdoctoral fellowship at Michigan University, Jee Hyun received the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (2012) from the Australian Research Council, then became the Head of Developmental Psychobiology laboratory at the Florey/University of Melbourne. She has received international and national awards including an Australian Psychological Society Early Career Research Award and a Victorian Young Tall Poppy Science Award. Her team works on memory aspects of anxiety disorders and drug addiction, demonstrating that emotional memories are regulated differently depending on one’s age. She was invited to give a TEDxMelbourne talk on this topic, which has now had more than 400,000 views.

Expert review

Total recall? The making of memories

Total recall? The making of memories
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