Next generation of Australian banknotes: new $5

The new generation of Australian banknotes includes a new raft of security features, including a full-length window and OVDs. 

Video source: RBAinfo.

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Australian banknotes are among the safest in the world. And to keep them that way the Reserve Bank is introducing a new series of banknotes. Now in circulation is the new five-dollar banknote.

You’ll see many innovative security features including a distinctive top-to-bottom window. 

Tilt the banknote and you’ll see an Eastern Spinebill move its wings.

Inside the Federation Pavilion at the bottom of the window is a number 5 that changes direction.

Turn the banknote over and in the top corner you’ll see a prominent patch that changes color in a rolling effect.

And there’s a tactile feature to assist the vision-impaired community.

Importantly, all existing banknotes can continue to be used. 

The Reserve Bank is making our banknotes ‘Clearly More Secure’. 

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