Justin Chalker

Justin M. Chalker earned a B.S. in Chemistry and a B.A. in the History and Philosophy of Science at The University of Pittsburgh in 2006. At Pittsburgh, he contributed to the total synthesis of several natural products under the direction of Theodore Cohen. Supported by a Rhodes Scholarship and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Justin then completed his D.Phil. at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Benjamin Davis where he developed several tools for the site-selective modification of proteins. In 2012, Justin started his independent career as an assistant professor at The University of Tulsa where he established a diverse research program in organic chemistry, biochemistry and material science. In 2015, Justin moved to Flinders University where he is a Lecturer in Synthetic Chemistry and recipient of an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award. In 2016, Justin was named Tall Poppy of the Year for South Australia in recognition of his achievements in research, teaching and science communication.

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Reduce, reuse, recycle, ‘re-form’
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