Richard Matear

Richard Matear is an oceanographer who uses models and observations to elucidate the oceans’ role in climate variability and change. He received his PhD in Oceanography from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, where he studied the ocean carbon cycle and how the ocean reduces the rate of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. His research has shown the importance of the ocean in the uptake of anthropogenic carbon and the impact this additional carbon is having on the chemistry of the ocean through ocean acidification. 

Richard is a senior research scientist at CSIRO Ocean and Atmosphere. He is presently using his expertise in ocean and climate processes to help develop a decadal climate forecasting system for Australia.

Expert review

More than just temperature—climate change and ocean acidification

More than just temperature—climate change and ocean acidification

What’s blue carbon?

What’s blue carbon?
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