Australian Academy of Science Newsletter 112

Message from the Chief Executive
Anna-Maria acknowledges the generosity of Academy Fellows, friends and supporters in advancing science and enabling the Academy's work.
Supporting the Academy
A message from President Andrew Holmes to launch the Academy’s Christmas 2017 Awards Fundraising Appeal.
Academy receives ARC grants for nutrition science and big data projects
Two projects worth a total of $328,000 will support the development of Australian research.
World’s brain initiatives move forward together
Representatives of some of the world’s major brain research projects have made a declaration to establish an International Brain Initiative.
Academy announces recipients of 2018 honorific awards
Eighteen of Australia’s leading scientists and future superstars have been awarded prestigious 2018 honorific awards.
Generous donation helps secure future of Dorothy Hill Medal
A University of Queensland donation will support female early-career researchers working in the Earth sciences.
Two young scientists receive environmental science award
Melissa Houghton and Charlie Phelps have been awarded the Max Day Environmental Science Fellowship Award.
Recommended summer reading from our top scientific minds
Looking for ideas on what to read over summer, or for great gift ideas? Find out what our Fellows recommend.
Australian scientists heading to India to kickstart research collaborations
Fourteen scientists are sharing nearly $283,000 to travel to India and work with leading researchers.
More news
Review aimed at achieving excellence in schools
Correctly setting the dial on research
Academy videos rocketing through Facebook
Primary Connections makes STEM connection
Australia represented at Falling Walls Lab Finale in Berlin
Science meets business
Academy awards funding for research projects and conferences
Fellows feature in online video resource
Journal features history of CSIRO research on greenhouse gases
Opportunities for scientists
- Awards managed by other organisations
Fellows update
- Honours and awards
- Obituary for Professor Tony Linnane
Events and outreach
- National audiences taken on polymer journey
- Canberra public speaker series out of this world