Australian Academy of Science Newsletter 124

Message from the Chief Executive
In 2019, we are celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Academy and the 60th anniversary of the Shine Dome. Look out for events throughout the year.
Academy produces scientific report on Darling River fish kills
The Academy assembled an expert panel to examine the causes of the disaster.
Science at the Shine Dome set to 'power up' for 2019
Registration is now open for Science at the Shine Dome, the Academy’s premiere annual event.
Fellows recognised in Australia Day honours
Five Academy Fellows are among the Australians recognised in the 2019 Australia Day Honours List.
Academy Fellow appointed Chief Defence Scientist
Professor Tanya Monro has become the first woman to lead Australia's Defence Science and Technology.
Academy welcomes focus on Great Barrier Reef climate impacts
The Academy welcomes recommendation that government address the impact of climate change on the reef and on Australia more broadly.
Fancy a glass? Explore the world of wine through chemistry
Have you ever wondered why your favourite wine tastes, smells and looks the colour it does? It’s chemistry.
Academy welcomes Australian Future Mines Centre commitment
The Academy is well positioned to provide input into this initiative to unlock Australia’s enormous potential mineral wealth.
Nominations open for PM's Science Prizes
Do you know an inspiring scientist, innovator, or science, maths or technology teacher? Nominate them for the 2019 Primer Minister’s Prizes for Science.
More news
Fellows receive international awards and NHMRC grant
Join us at the Shine Dome to hear how science is changing lives
Academy welcomes pragmatic approach to Defence Trade Controls
National conversation of science and research priorities is important and timely
Academy welcomes priority investment in critical minerals projects
Scientists call on NSW Premier to inspect feral horse damage in Kosciuszko
Shine Dome to open doors for Heritage Festival
Chemistry celebrated across the globe in 2019
Leading scientists to tour Australia
Academy-funded conference brings diverse researchers together
Research reveals how to grow wildlife-friendly cities
Fellowship makes Great Barrier Reef dream a reality
Opportunities for scientists
- The Dreyfus Prize for Chemistry in Support of Human Health
- L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Australia & New Zealand Fellowships
- Keio Medical Science Prize
- Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science
Fellows update
- Honours and awards to Fellows
- Obituary for Professor Michael Dopita AM FAA