National SAGE symposium shows strong support for gender equity

At the sypmposium: (left) Dr Susan Pond AM FTSE, University of Sydney, Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel AO FTSE and Catriona Jackson, Universities Australia. (centre) A packed audience was highly engaged in the discussion. (right) SAGE Expert Advisory Group Chair, Elizabeth Broderick; 

The Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering announced in June that former Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick AO as Chair of the Expert Advisory Group of the Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) Initiative.

The SAGE Pilot of the UK-based Athena SWAN Charter is a partnership of the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE). It promotes equity and inclusion through an evaluation and accreditation framework to identify and address gender inequity in science and research organisations.

The Academies also announced that eight new institutions have entered into the SAGE Pilot of the UK-based Athena SWAN Charter. The additional institutions bring the total number of pilot participants to 40, including 30 universities, six medical research institutes and four publicly funded research agencies.

The participating organisations met for the first time at a national symposium in Sydney in June. The symposium attracted widespread support and featured leading speakers including Academy President Professor Andrew Holmes AM PresAA FRS FTSE, Dr Alan Finkel AO FAA FTSE, Elizabeth Broderick AO, Professor Emma Johnston, Professor Mary O’Kane AC FTSE, Ita Buttrose AO OBE, Professor Jill Milroy AM and Dr Susan Pond AM FTSE, among many others.

More about the SAGE Pilot

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