Australian Academy of Science Newsletter 144

Message from the Chief Executive
The Academy celebrated and supported NAIDOC Week with two online events that generated much interest and continue to be shared and watched widely.
Academy welcomes new Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley
The Academy congratulates accomplished physicist Dr Cathy Foley on her appointment as Australia’s Chief Scientist.
NAIDOC Week events explore the science of a continuous culture
Land, water, sky and fire were the focus of two online Academy events for this year’s NAIDOC Week ‘Always Was, Always Will Be’.
Academy Fellows get their Eureka moment
Professor Ben Eggleton and Professor Dacheng Tao have each won a 2020 Australian Museum Eureka Prize.
Searchable STEM Women database increases representation of women
STEM Women has published its successes and outlined future development in its first-year impact report.
Towards net-zero emissions at Australia's home of science
The Academy has committed to reducing its impact on climate change by working towards a net-zero emissions future for the Shine Dome.
Margaret Middleton Fund for endangered Australian native vertebrate animals: 2021 funding announced
Three early-career researchers have been awarded funding for ecology projects in 2021.
Research on the intergenerational impacts of Maralinga nuclear tests supported by Moran Award
Henrietta Byrne from the University of Adelaide is the recipient of the Academy’s 2021 Moran Award for History of Science Research.
Australia’s home of science to shine brighter than ever
The Shine Dome will sport a shiny new top and be far more energy efficient as works begin to repair the damage from January's hailstorm.
More news
Research collaboration supports health care in India
An Australian researcher and her colleagues are fostering a strategic approach to health care education and research capability between Australia and India with the support of a fellowship from the Academy.
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Academy videos head to the Moon and back
See some of our most recent videos, including ‘It's official: Water on the Moon’.
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National Committees update
Opportunities are coming up to contribute to Australia’s Future in Space Science, the strategic plan prepared by the National Committee for Space and Radio Science (NCSRS). Subscribe to the space newsletter for space-related news and updates on the consultation sessions, planned for late January 2021. Details will also be advertised on the NCSRS website closer to the date.
The Shine Dome is open for bookings
Now is the time to book your event at the Shine Dome. The versatile Dorothy Hill Room is one of several venue spaces available.
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Opportunities for scientists
Find out about current opportunities for scientists:
- Regional Collaborations Programme COVID-19 Digital Grants
- Indigenous Media Mentoring Program
- Royal Society Awards
- Gruber Prizes
- Mahathir Science Award
- Volvo Environment Prize
- Lefoulon-Delalande Grand Prize
- A.M. Turing Award
- AOGS Axford Medal
- Welch Award in Chemistry
Fellows update
Keep abreast of the Academy Fellowship in the Fellows update:
- Honours and awards to Fellows
Coming events
The Sustainable Shine Dome: Envisioning Sustainable Futures for Heritage
4 December
As part of the Sustainable Shine Dome project, we are planning a series of workshops and symposia to explore heritage values and sustainability. Join us on Friday 4 December from 2 – 4.30 pm AEDT online or in person for the first symposium, with a networking opportunity to follow for those who attend in person and wish to stay on.
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COVID-19 Webinar Series: Supercomputing to fight COVID-19
7 December
Supercomputing can help our response to COVID-19 by increasing the speed with which we can model the spread of the virus, assisting in finding a vaccine and improving treatments. Join Australian and international speakers 7.30 – 8.30 pm AEDT to discuss how supercomputing is assisting with addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The Honorary editor of the Academy newsletter is Professor Yuri Estrin FAA