Submissions and position statements

The EMCR Forum makes occasional submissions to government inquiries and reviews on behalf of the Australian EMCR community. Become a member of the EMCR Forum in order to stay apprised of relevant consultations and have your say. Below is a list of submissions that the EMCR Forum has tendered to previous consultations.emcr-submission-to-renewing-the-australian-animal-welfare-strategy-discussion-paper







  • Increasing the diversity of Australia’s research workforce
    The EMCR Forum made a submission to the Australian Research Council consultation on Increasing the diversity of Australia’s research workforce: a pathway to gender equality in ARC grant funding processes
  • NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme
    The EMCR Forum made a submission on the NHMRC consultation on the Post Graduate Scholarship Scheme.
  • Position statement on the 2019 Federal Election
    The EMCR Forum released a position statement on the 2019 Federal Election putting forward its recommendations and shared commitments to support STEM professionals in Australia.
  • The social and economic benefits of improving mental health
    The EMCR Forum and the Australian Brain Alliance EMCR Network made a submission to the Productivity Commission's inquiry into the effect of mental health.


  • Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
    The EMCR Forum made a submission to the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science’s consultation on a National Strategy for Women in STEM.
  • Funding Australia’s Research
    The EMCR Forum made a submission to the House of Representative’s Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training Inquiry into Funding Australia's Research.
  • Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)
    The EMCR Forum Executive made a submission to the MRFF consultation to inform the second Australian Medical Research and Innovation Priorities 2018 – 2020
  • Women in STEM Decadal Plan
    The EMCR Forum made a submission to help inform the Australian Academy of Science’s development of the Women in STEM Decadal Plan.
  • On 29 October 2018 the EMCR Forum released a statement (PDF, 75KB) expressing their concern that Ministerial veto has been made on grant applications recommended for funding by the Australian research Council.






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