The Australian Early- and Mid-Career Researcher Forum (the Forum) is the national voice of Australia's emerging scientists, representing researchers who are up to 15 years post-PhD (or other research higher degree), irrespective of their professional appointment. If you identify as an EMCR, then you are part of The Forum.
The Forum provides a mechanism for the Academy to engage with early- and mid-career researchers (EMCRs) from around Australia and to obtain advice on issues relevant to EMCRs. This informs the Academy’s policy recommendations to government and helps it to develop effective EMCR activities. The Forum provides a vital connection between Australia's most eminent scientists and tomorrow's future scientific leaders.
The EMCR Forum's mission is to serve as the voice of Australia's early- and mid-career researchers, championing improvement in the national research environment through advocacy. The focus of the Forum is on sustainable and transparent career structures, gender equity, stable funding policies, career development opportunities, and raising awareness of issues facing the future of science.
Going by the name ‘the Executive’, a small number of volunteers work closely with the secretariat of the Australian Academy of Science to amplify the voice of Australia’s EMCRs. They advocate on behalf of all EMCRs to decision makers in government and various agencies, and facilitate national initiatives to support ECMRs. The Executive provides a direct link between the EMCR Forum and the Council of the Academy. It is an inclusive group aiming to be as diverse and equitable as it possibly can.
If you are interested in joining the Executive you can apply through a selection process which is open in the last quarter of every year.
The Representative Network is made up of self-nominated early- and mid-career researchers that act as a link between local EMCRs and EMCR activities, and national events and initiatives driven by the EMCR Forum Executive. In 2017 the Representative Network was established with Australia’s universities, with plans to roll this out to all institutions and employers of EMCRs (publicly funded research organisations, government and industry).
The main aim of the Representative Network is to represent and communicate the interests of EMCRs at each organisation to the EMCR Forum Executive. In addition the Representative Network functions to share information from the Executive and the Academy with EMCRs at organisations around Australia. The Representative Network strengthens the Forum’s ability to reach and equitably represent all of Australia’s EMCRs.
Members are EMCRs who simply jump on the website and sign up to become a member. While the EMCR Forum Executive advocates for all EMCRs, we encourage each and every EMCR to sign up because it’s a great way to increase your engagement, stay informed and have a say. Plus the larger, more diverse and more representative the EMCR Forum membership is, the louder and more effective the voice of the EMCR Forum and the Executive is.
Becoming an active part of the Forum ensures our collective voice is heard when it comes to planning the future of science in Australia. We are stronger together. We are the future of science in Australia.
Some of the most relevant information about the Forum in one document. (PDF, 1.07MB)
Read about the EMCR Forum’s vision and objectives through our strategic plan.
Meet the current executive members of the EMCR Forum.
Get in touch with the EMCR Forum and the members of the executive.
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