Australian Academy of Science Newsletter 166

Message from the Chief Executive
Can there ever be too much science? Never! November has been a stellar month for science and you can read about it in this bumper edition of the Academy newsletter.
Highlights from Science at the Shine Dome 2022
Find out about the fabulous things that happened at Science at the Shine Dome, the Academy’s annual flagship event.
Raising the profile of women in STEM across the globe
Women working in STEM around the world will be able to raise their profile and discover opportunities following the launch of STEM Women Global.
The future is what we make it, says winner of Prime Minister’s Prize for Science
Academy Fellow Professor Trevor McDougall has won the national prize for his study of the world’s oceans and their role in regulating Earth’s climate.
Supporting Ukrainian scientists through a partnership with the Breakthrough Prize Foundation
Ukrainian scientists are set to receive a helping hand from their Australian counterparts.
Champion of research integrity honoured with new award
Professor David Vaux has been recognised for championing research integrity in Australia.
Two Fellows first Australians to win global prizes
Professor Susan Scott and Professor Martin Green have won prestigious international prizes for their research.
Australian innovators compete at the international Falling Walls Lab 2022
Three EMCRs gave diverse and engaging presentations that drew global attention to their important work.
Lloyd Rees Lecture and Geoffrey Frew Fellowship announced
Professor Dmitri Golberg and Professor Jelena Vuckovic will share their science at lectures supported by the Academy.
Academy-funded research conferences awarded
Earth's processes and personalised nutrition will be the focus of two conferences in 2023.
Reshaping Australia: Communities in action
The Royal Society of NSW and learned academies’ annual joint forum explored the nature and future of communities.
Celebrating World Teachers’ Day 2022
The global theme for UNESCO World Teachers’ Day was ‘The transformation of education begins with teachers’.
In brief
EMCR Forum member recognised in NSW Premier’s Prizes for Science & Engineering
Dr Jiao Jiao Li, the winner of the sixth Falling Walls Lab Australia in 2021, has been named NSW Early Career Researcher of the Year (Physical Sciences). Dr Li is an EMCR Forum member and has been on the EMCR Forum Representative Network (RepNet). She became a UTS Women in Engineering & IT Gender Equity Ambassador, and was also selected as a 2021–22 Superstar of STEM by Science & Technology Australia.
Submissions to government
Review of four methods for generating Australian carbon credits units
The Academy was commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water to examine the strengths and limitations of four methods that generate Australian carbon credit units by reducing or avoiding emissions.
Read the full report
Opportunities for scientists
Find out more about coming opportunities for scientists:
- Global Science and Technology Diplomacy Fund – Strategic Element
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellowships
- Visit to the National Institutes of Health in the USA by a junior scientist
- A.M. Turing Award
- Gruber Prizes
- José Vasconcelos Award
- Albert Einstein World Award of Science
- AOGS Axford Medal
- The Volvo Environment Prize
- Lefoulon-Delalande Grand Prize
- Welch Award in Chemistry
- Lasker Award
- Letten Prize
Fellows update
Keep abreast of the Academy Fellowship in the Fellows update:
- Honours and awards to Fellows
- Obituaries for Professor Derek Denton and Professor Sev Sternhell
Frew Fellowship Lecture with Nobel Laureate, Dr Donna Strickland: Generating High-Intensity, Ultrashort Optical Pulses
Join the Australian Academy of Science in Canberra for a public lecture by Frew Fellow and Nobel Laureate, Dr Donna Strickland.
Date: Wednesday 7 December
Time: 5.30pm – 6.30pm
Venue: The Shine Dome, 15 Gordon St, Acton ACT
Cost: Free, bookings required
More information and to register
Cutting-edge solutions to shared challenges: Health research and technologies
Australian and Japanese innovation in health research and technologies, featuring Australian and Japanese innovations in RNA vaccines and assistive tech.
Date: Thursday 8 December
Time: 1.00pm – 2.00pm AEDT/ 11.00am – 12.00pm JST
Venue: Free online (livestreamed and recorded)
More information and to register
Surprising Science: The visibility and invisibility of light
Light: not only does it underpin life on Earth, it also allows us to see, and for plants and animals to send a multitude of signals to friend and foe. But could we also use light to hide?
Date: Tuesday 13 December
Time: 5.30pm – 7.00pm AEDT (6.00pm start online)
Venue: Shine Dome and livestreamed online
More information and to register
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Support given through general donations is directly responsible for strengthening the Academy’s core activities such as scientific meetings, advice to support policy development, publications, education, public awareness and outreach, international activities, awards and fellowships.
Each time you make a gift through our annual tax or special appeals, you help to make the Academy a vital, viable and visible presence in Australia and around the world.
Learn more about giving to the Academy.
Find out about Celebrate science, which gives you the opportunity to dedicate a virtual copper roof tile of the Shine Dome to an Australian scientist who has made a significant contribution to science.
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The Honorary editor of the Academy newsletter is Professor Yuri Estrin FAA